Apply for Permits

Register for a Permits Online Account

You must be have a Permits Online account to apply for permits.

Register for a Permits Online account if you do not have one already.

Account Linking

To upload required documents to a permit record and to request inspections, your Permits Online account must be linked to that permit record and you must be logged-in to your account. If you applied online while logged into your Permits Online account, your account is already linked. But if you are an additional contact, you will likely need to request to have your account linked to the permit record.

Trust Accounts: If you have a trust account with Permit Sonoma and want to link it to your Permits Online account and to your permit records, you must link your account.

Link Your Online Account to Your Permits:

Electronic Plans Requirement

Even if you initially submitted paper plans for you permit, you will be required to submit plans and other documents electronically going forward.
Paper plans are not accepted.

  • Resubmittals and Revisions: As paper plans are reviewed and comments are provided, resubmittals and revisions will be required to be submitted electronically. Paper plans or documents will not be accepted.

  • Application Requirements for Project Types: To assist the community with complete applications, view a listing of application requirements by project or permit type. Complete applications assist Permit Sonoma with more timely reviews, getting permits issued faster and getting your project approved or under construction sooner.

  • Submit Electronic Plans Via Permits Online: Electronic plans and supporting reports or documents (drainage calculations, energy calculations, soils reports, structural calculations, truss calculations, etc.) shall be uploaded electronically via the Digital Plan Room (DPR). Visit our Digital Plan Room (DPR) Help Page for videos and written instructions as well as answers to Frequently Asked Questions.

Submit Permit Application

Sonoma County Wildfires

Expedited Rebuilding Permits (Wildfire-affected Areas Only)

Apply for expedited rebuilding permits in areas affected by the 2017 Sonoma Complex Fire, 2019 Kincade Fire, 2020 Walbridge and Meyers Fires, or 2020 Glass Fire. Before applying here, you must follow the Rebuilding Process first at the Rebuilding Together site.

Construction Permits

New Building Permit

  • New Building Permit with No Plan Check (BLD)
    You may only use this option to apply for building permits for projects that do not require construction plans. If the only required plans are a site plan or floor plan, then apply here. Make sure that your residential project or non-residential project does not require building plans.
  • New Building Permit with Plan Check (BLD)
    Apply for a building permit for which construction plans are required. (If the only required plans are a site plan or floor plan, then apply for New Building Permit with No Plan Check above.)
  • New Building Permit – Stock Plans (STK)
    Apply for a stock plan permit for swimming pools, water tanks, accessory structures.
  • Solar System via SolarAPP+ (BLD)
    Apply for a building permit for a roof-mounted, residential photovoltaic (PV) solar system. This is an expedited process via SolarAPP+, which is a program from the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL). A qualified licensed contractor is required and you must qualify through SolarAPP+. You must also register with SolarAPP+ before applying here.  (More information: SolarAPP+ Frequently Asked Questions »)
  • New Building Permit – Agricultural Exemption (AEX)
    Apply for building permit exemption provisions for buildings designed and constructed for use in housing farm machinery, animals, supplies or products that are harvested from or utilized on a parcel of land consisting of five acres or more.  (More Information: Agricultural Building Permit Exemption »)

Revision of Issued Permits

  • Building Revision (BLD)
    If a construction project is revised, for example by altering floor plans or adding additional square footage, the revisions must be reviewed and approved by Permit Sonoma prior to making those changes in the field.  (More Information: Revisions to Building Permits »)
  • SolarAPP+ Revision (BLD)
    If a SolarAPP+ roof-mounted, residential photovoltaic (PV) solar system project is revised, the revisions must be reviewed and approved prior to making those changes in the field.  (More information: SolarAPP+ Frequently Asked Questions»)

Deferred Submittal

Deferred submittals are those portions of a project's design that are not submitted at the time of the Building permit application and are to be submitted to Permit Sonoma within a specified period.
  • Deferred Fire Submittal for Building Permit (BLD)

  • Deferred Plan Check Submittal - including Truss Calculations (BLD)

Demolition Permit (DEM)

    A demolition permit is required to demolish a building or structure in whole or in part. Some demolition permits may be included within a building permit application, especially for portions of structures.

Fire Prevention & Hazardous Materials

  • Deferred Fire Submittal for Building Permit (BLD)
  • Fire Construction Permit (FIR)
    If this is related to an existing building permit (BLD), please use the “Deferred Fire Submittal” application above.
    The FIR permit type is for stand-alone fire permits including:
    • Fire Alarm
    • Fire Line Underground
    • Fire Sprinklers
    • Hood and Duct
    • Temporary Membrane Structure Permit
    This is not for existing building permit (BLD), use “Deferred Fire Submittal” above.
  • Underground Storage Tank Permit – Hazardous Materials (HAZ)
    This Underground Storage Tank (UST) permit is issued by the Fire Prevention Division's Hazardous Materials Unit.
    (More Information: Underground Storage Tanks (UST) »)

Grading Permit (Earth Work) (GRD)

Resubmittal of Non-Issued Permit

    Changes to plans or documents, based on comments received from Permit Sonoma Staff, can be submitted using the View My Records option to find your record.

Roads and Right of Way

  • Encroachment Permit (ENC)
    An encroachment permit is required anytime work is conducted in a County of Sonoma public right-of-way such as water lines, sewer lines, construction of curbs, gutters, sidewalks or driveway aprons, or vegetation removal with chipper equipment.  (More Information: Encroachment » | How to Apply »)
  • Improvement Plans (IMP)
    Improvement plans are plan sets that incorporate multiple Engineering disciplines to perform comprehensive plan reviews specific to discretionary projects such as subdivisions, apartment complexes, commercial centers, and industrial facilities.

Sanitation Sewer

A sanitary sewer system collects and transports waste from indoor plumbing fixtures to treatment plants.

  • Sanitation Sewer Construction Permit (SEW)
    A sanitation sewer construction permit is required for work associated with or related to connecting to a public sanitary sewer system. Typical work includes building sewers, side sewers, laterals, sewer mains, manholes, or similar items.  (More Information: Sanitation Sewer »)
  • Sanitation Sewer Fee Payments (SEW)
    Sanitation sewer fees for connections and services are required for new connections to Sonoma Water sanitary sewer systems or modifications of existing sanitary sewer services.  (More Information: Sanitation Sewer Service and Connection Fees »)
  • Sanitation Sewer Outside Service Area Agreements (OSAA) and Annexations (SEW)
    Requests for public sewer service for a property located outside of the service area of a Sonoma Water sanitation district or zone.  (More Information: OSAA and Annexations »)

Septic Systems

In areas where public sewer is not available, homeowners must have septic systems installed on their property that will treat wastewater coming from their home.
  • Septic Construction Permit (SEP)
    This is for a Septic System (Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS)) Construction Application.  (More Information: OWTS Application Types Available »)
  • Septic Design Application (SDA)
    This is for a Septic System (Onsite Wastewater Treatment System (OWTS)) Design Application.  (More Information: OWTS Application Types Available »)
  • Septic Site Evaluations (WSR)
    Applications for findings reports and site evaluations for septic systems can be submitted electronically via e-mail.  (More Information: Septic Site Evaluations »)
  • Septic Permit Revision
    Submit revisions to an issued septic permit. You must have a Permits Online account and must provide the permit number of the issued permit you are revising.

Storm Water Permit (Drainage Improvements Only)

    A storm water permit is required for the construction or modification of drainage facilities not associated with any other construction permit such as grading, encroachment, building, or septic permits. (More Information: Storm Water »)

Surveyor-related Applications

  • Administrative Certificate of Compliance (ACC)
  • Certificate of Modification (CMO)
  • Conditional Certificate of Compliance (CCC)
  • Corner Record (COR)
  • Lot Line Adjustments (LLA)
  • Record of Survey (ROS)
  • Right of Way Vacation (RWV)
  • Subdivisions (Parcel and Final maps) (SUR)
  • Please follow the process instructions to electronically submit an application for one of the above surveyor-related activities.


  • Temporary Emergency Housing (TEM)
    Residential use of recreational vehicles and travel trailers, for persons displaced by major wildfires that occurred in Sonoma County, but on sites outside burn areas on residential or agriculturally zoned properties. Permit has a set end date.
    (More Information & Permit End Dates: Temporary Occupancy of RVs »)

  • Temporary Membrane Structure
    • Special Event Temporary Tent (FIR)
      A Special Event Temporary Tent permit is required for all tents over 400 square feet. Apply online with the Special Event Tent permit application.  (More Information: Tent Permitting and Inspections »)

    • Cannabis Hoop House (FIR)
      A Cannabis Hoop House permit is required for all hoop houses associated with Cannabis Use Permits and agricultural permits.

  • Temporary Structure (TEM)
    Temporary installation of a pre-fabricated structure such as a construction office or an RV for caregiver housing.

  • Temporary Utilities (TEM)
    A temporary permit for utilities for a permitted structure prior to the permit final. There are 2 types of temporary utility approvals.

Transportation Permit (TRN)

    A transportation permit is required to operate or move vehicle(s) or special mobile equipment on County roads of a size or weight of vehicle or load exceeding the maximum limitations specified in the California Vehicle Code. Please follow the process instructions to submit a transportation application online.

Water System Permit (WAT)

This permit is not for wells. For wells, go to Well Permits below.

    A water system permit is required to create a new public water system. Not for wells or connections to existing public water systems.

Well Permits

  • Well Construction Permit (WEL)
    A well construction permit is required to drill a new or replacement water supply well, destroy an existing well, or for any type of boring fifteen feet or more below the original ground surface.  (More Information: Wells »)

    Permit Sonoma has suspended issuing non-emergency well permits in compliance with a Sonoma County Superior Court order. The order, which was served to the County on Dec. 17, 2024, stems from the lawsuit Russian Riverkeeper, and California Coastkeeper vs. County of Sonoma. It requires the County to “suspend all non-emergency water well permitting” based on concerns that the County has not complied with the Public Trust Doctrine. Check the Well Ordinance Upate page regularly for updates.

    December 17, 2024 Sonoma County Court Order (PDF)

    Is your property located within unincorporated Sonoma County?

    Is your property located within an incorporated city in Sonoma County?:
  • Water Well Yields (WEL)
    Dry weather water well testing is required for new or replacement dwelling units in Class 4 groundwater availability areas, or for new or replacement accessory dwelling units in Class 3 and Class 4 groundwater availability areas.  (More Information: Water Wells »)
  • Well Permit Revision
    Submit revisions to an issued well permit. You must have a Permits Online account and must provide the permit number of the issued permit you are revising.

Planning / Project Review Permits

Customers have the option to submit planning applications electronically.

Administrative Design Review

Lot Line Adjustment

    A Lot Line Adjustment (LLA) is a realignment of boundary lines between two to four existing legal parcels (per Section 66412 of the Subdivision Map Act), where the land taken from one parcel is added to an adjacent parcel. This process is undertaken when the owner(s) of adjacent lots or parcels desire to change the shape, size, and/or location of the parcels. (More Information: Lot Line Adjustment »)

Minor Subdivision

    A minor subdivision is a division of land into four or fewer parcels. Minor subdivisions are governed by the Subdivision Map Act, the Sonoma County Subdivision Ordinance, the Sonoma County Zoning Code and the Sonoma County General Plan. Minor subdivision application are also known as tentative parcel maps. (More Information: Minor Subdivision »)

Riparian Corridor Permit

Telecom Permit

    For the establishment of new Telecommunications facilities or for additions to existing Telecommunications facilities.

Tree-Related Permits

Select one as appropriate. Be sure you are applying for the correct permit.
(More Information: Tree Permit Requirements)

  • Tree Removal Permit
    For the removal of Protected Trees over 6 inches in diameter at breast height (DBH), not including tree removal within Oak Woodland.

  • Oak Woodland Permit
    For native oak tree removal and/or type conversion of land within mapped Oak Woodland on parcels within the Oak Woodland Combining District.

Use or Zoning Permit

Select one as appropriate. Be sure you are applying for the correct permit.

  • Use Permit
    A Use Permit application is required for development projects that are typically more intensive than Permitted Uses. (More Information: Use Permits Instructions & Forms »)
  • Zoning Permit (Generalized)
    Planning permits such as zoning permits may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. Zoning clearances are required for building permits issued for new buildings, structures, or additions to existing buildings or structures. There may be additional setback requirements for a building depending upon the location near a scenic roadway or waterway. Additional review, such as administrative design review, may be required prior to the issuance of a building permit. (More Information: Zoning Permits Instructions & Forms »)
    • Covered Parking Waiver
      For residential development projects where no covered parking will be provided, either because providing covered parking is infeasible, or parking can be visually screened from public view.
    • Legal Non-Conforming Determination
      For determinations of the legal status of a structure and/or land use that predates Permit Sonoma’s permitting requirements.
    • Setback Reduction Approval
      For approval of building setback reductions, as permitted by the Sonoma County Zoning Code..

Vacation Rentals (TVR, LIC) & Hosted Rentals (THR)

    Please follow the process instructions to submit a online application for a vacation rental or hosted rental permit.  (More Information: Vacation & Hosted Rentals »)

Voluntary Merger

All Other Planning Applications


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